Friday, December 11, 2009

What is the best brand of lip balm for chapped lips?

carmexWhat is the best brand of lip balm for chapped lips?
Blistex. It cools them too.What is the best brand of lip balm for chapped lips?
read tips on skincare that will help you on this site
I would have to say ChapStick. But, be careful - everyone I've ever known who started using it on a regular basis, myself included, is now addicted to it. I have a friend who waits until it goes on sale, then buys it by the CASE! Dead serious.

It works really well - and I guess there are worse things to be addicted to. : )
Are they still kissable ??
The best i have ever found and used is Skinlogic, it got it from a marykay dealer
There's a chapstick called Dr. Dan's Cortibalm. It is the best for chapped lips. It is the only chapstick with cortisone in it and it will smooth out your lips in less than 2 days! You may want to check with a local dermatologist for locations to buy it at or some derm offices sell them there.
Burt's Bees. If you can't find that try Oral Labs ';Smooth and Shine.';
Blistex it works great it took care of my chaped lips!
i use the blistex silk and shine and its works good and smells good
Burt's Bees
Burt's Bees

It's in a tube like Chapstick, but it's made from bee products. works great for me. I used to use medicated Chapstick before I found Burt's Bees.
If thy ar really really chapped, Blistex can work wonders. If they're just a little chapped, like from sun exposure, then I would try Burt's Bees lipbalm since it's milder in smell.

If you are chapped ue to exzema, sometimes adding a little hydrocortisone cream under the balm works magic.
Chapped lips are a real pain the a%% and there is an amazing solution of its cure and actually works and its 100% natural.

Produced by mother nature her self, its properties have been know for centuries it can be used for lot of things but today it is chapped lips, you can even eat it and it will help your internal system to revitalise its self, i eat it on toast ( a large amount) with peanut butter, and take a large table spoon of it every 2days rebuilds the immune system.

This amazing product is HONEY yes HONEY it must be the best natural honey you can buy produced by wild bees with pollen from wild flower, there is one brand its a produce of New Zealand.

How to use, use as often possible during day can be used over lip stick although bare lips is better, simply apply a thin amount abit like lip balm, only use your finger covering entire lip both top and bottom try not to lick it of or kiss, the honey will be absorbed into the lip within a few mins. Also apply onlips before bed after cleaning face with simple soap and hot water rinse with cold water a few times this helps the skin texture and then once dry apply a nice layer lips. you will notice change within 1-2 days.

Try honey on acne at bed time only, rub on like a cream it will get absorbed, might feel skin tighten its ok done worry it does work

If you want to be adventurous then once every two weeks use it as face cream (Avoid eyes ) apply on clean skin, rinsed with cold water, allow it to be absorbed before sleeping, in morning wash face in same way use light make up remember to mch make up is not got for skin prolonged use and heavy use destroys the skins texture.

If you smoke then dont smoke while honey is on lip or face wait a while

Try it no loss, you will be pleasantly suprised enjoy.

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