Sunday, December 13, 2009

Lip balm or Petroleum Jelly for dry/chapped lips?

Do you recommend lip balm or petroleum jelly for dry/chapped lips?Lip balm or Petroleum Jelly for dry/chapped lips?
Use petroleum jelly first. Put a layer on your lips and leave it on. It helps moisturize your dry/chapped lips - it also helps that nasty flaking skin coming off dry lips as well.

Chapped stick works better if your lips aren't that severely dry.

Otherwise the gunk from the chapstick will be stuck in the little dry flaking skin areas and your lips would look pretty much worse.

These are just quick gotta drink some water!

Good luck.Lip balm or Petroleum Jelly for dry/chapped lips?
Petroleum jelly
Petroleum Jelly! That's what my dentist uses when I visit him and he thinks that I have dried lips!
i keep a small container of petroleum jelly with me and that helps alot. My lips tend to get chapped alot so I also use Cliniques All About Lips. It is like a lotion for your lips and works wonders. But it runs about $20 for .41 FL OZ/12ml bottle. But you don't need much so it last a long time.

For chapsticks I also use Burtsbee's and Victoria's Secret Beauty Rush Chapstick with SPF 15. They are about $7 apiece and come in watermelon and Vanilla flavors that taste so good!
Petroleum Jelly all the way. it heals faster. go with Vaseline
i would recommend Petroleum Jelly

it really does work

much better than lip balm
I would go with lip balm with some sort of spf. And also, when you are brushing your teeth, toward the end, take the toothbrush and brush it over your lips. Also, you can take salt and petroleum jelly an make a little salt scrub to get off dead skin as well! Hope this helps!
I find the best results with petroleum jelly or Chap Stick. Chap Stick seems to stay on longer. Be careful because some lip balms will irritate chapped lips, especially the flavored ones. (except for Chap Stick brand, it never irritates me)

Hope this helps.
it depends on how chapped or dry they are...

but petroleum jelly aways works for me.

once ur lips are healed, use lip balm daily
Either/or. Petroleum jelly is cheaper but messier. I also think it depends on what causes the dry/chapped lips...but if it is nothing specific and just dry lips, I'd really advise ROSEBUD, which is a combo of both. Not, however, the Smiths Strawberry but the Classic Rosebud or alternatively Sephora's Mint version if you prefer. I also like Kiehl's lip balm, which is very very much like petroleum jelly, as is Rosebud but somehow Rosebud has always been better for me.
Petroleum Jelly i use it at night on my lips and wake up with beautiful smooth lips.
petrolium jelly........I live in extreme temperatures (-60), with heaters on everywhere indoors, thus the EXTREME dryness we experience here is insane. I and others vow petroleum jelly is the all time cure.
Petroleum jelly makes mine ten times worse - go with the lip balm!
Petroleum jelly.

i apply it like 10 times a day, lol!!

and thats why my lips arent dry =]

i hope it works for you - good luck =]
I use petroleum jelly.
balm petroleum tastes bad and comes off too easily. balm lasts longer
lip balm.

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